Today I went to lunch with some "old" colleagues. We have all retired from public education and moved onto other things. All of our lives are different and our views are varied. At one point it did get a little tense when one end of the table made a political remark and the other end countered, but wise heads prevailed and we moved to other topics.
One thing I noticed and relished is the laughter. We laughed a lot. We laughed about past days at school, past colleagues, past experiences, and the passing of time. We weren't all the best of friends or colleagues but we were and I think still are caring, intelligent women. No one tried to better another with a story about a trip, a grandchild, etc. To me this was a change to some lunches we have had in the past. There have been times I have thought that people were trying to strut their stuff. Today was different. We seemed wiser and happier.
I am left thinking I was privileged to know and to have worked with these individuals. I look forward to another opportunity to laugh and enjoy their company.