Thursday, March 15, 2012

Another Generation Communicating!

qqwieweoriuemwenrbjnmjodel---a text my three year granddaughter sent on my daughter's phone...with the translation from my daughter, "Dear Granma, I love you a whole lot with my tummy."

The other day I wrote about how my children communicate with me and  now I have a note from the next generation.  I was gone for two days and this is the text I got when coming back home.  It made me feel so good --- even in my tummy.

When my granddaughter was just learning to talk we spent a lot of time using sign language with the word she wanted to say.  The signing intrigued me since I had not done it with my children.  For my granddaughter the verbal with the sign made her world and ours explore.  She is always talking and loves to watch me on the computer, on my cell, etc.  And now she is reaching out to me with texts.  Amazing and so much fun for me!


  1. Your granddaughter texts just like me! How wonderful from you to have these little bits of communication to hold you together no matter how far the distances.

  2. I imagine you only have to look at this text and you break out into a big smile. That is priceless!

  3. I think it is cool how she communicated in a string of letters, just like a beginning writer. Very sweet. :)
